Structured Finance
Due to rigid terms and conditions of the client’s existing loans, the client may not be able to perform its financial obligations resulting in debt repayment default or rendering its debt to be classified as a non-performing loan.  With our co-operation and determination to solve the client’s problems, we can help restructure the client’s debt through instituting a financial plan which will turn the client’s financial position to normalcy.  The process may involve increase in the share capital or refinancing the client’s current debt in order to demonstrate the client’s determination to solve the bad debt problem.
A rehabilitation plan is another means to restructure debt and reduce the debt level to that compatible with the debtor’s capacity to continue conducting its business and repay its debt to creditors in order that the business may be restored to its normal condition under the aegis of the bankruptcy court, being the supervisor of all processes.  Therefore, the rehabilitation plan comprises two main processes, namely, the financial process and the legal process.  We are able to help our client from the point of getting ready prior to entering the rehabilitation all the way down to the exit point for the successful implementation of the plan.